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Tuition & Affordability


Christ the King Catholic High School is part of Mecklenburg Area Catholic Schools (MACS), a family of nine Catholic schools in the greater Charlotte area. Tuition rates vary based on grade level and program. All MACS tuition rates and fees are posted on the MACS website,

Tuition Assistance

FIT - Family Individualized Tuition

Mecklenburg Area Catholic Schools is committed to welcoming all families who wish to make the investment in Catholic education for their children. To make the investment in Catholic education affordable for as many families as possible, MACS is pleased to offer an individualized approach to affording Catholic eduction - Family Individualized Tuition. 

Through the FIT program, your student's tuition rate and your family's capital fee is determined by several factors, including your family's demonstrated need. MACS partners with FACTS, an independent third party, to assist with need determinations. Please see the MACS website for more information.

Learn more about MACS Family Individualized Tuition

Mecklenburg Area Catholic Schools (MACS) Needs Based Tuition Assistance

Funds for the Mecklenburg Area Catholic Schools (MACS) needs based Tuition Assistance program are provided by the Parishes in the Charlotte Vicariate. 

  • Funds are reserved for tuition costs and include Capital fees. They do not include instructional, transportation, activity, or graduation fees. 

  • Grants do not cover the entire tuition cost. Families with registered full-time students in grades TK-12th grade are eligible to apply for tuition assistance. 

  • The percentage of tuition assistance granted to families varies each year depending on the amount of documented need and the amount of funds available. Not all families who apply for tuition assistance qualify.

NCSEAA Scholarship

The North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority (NCSEAA) offers an income-based scholarship of up to $6,492 per school year to recipients.

​For students with certain disabilities, NCSEAA's ESA+ scholarship may be a great fit. ESA+ awards vary from $9,000 - $17,000 per school year and do not consider income.

​We recommend new families interested in NCSEAA scholarships to apply before March 1. To review requirements and to apply, please visit

Tuition Adjustments for Catholic Families

For families who are designated Participating Catholic by their Diocese of Charlotte Catholic parish, additional tuition adjustments are available:

  • Participating Catholic discount - please visit for more information on eligibility for the Participating Catholic Tuition Rate.

  • Multiple Child Discount - applied to the youngest siblings in birth order:

    • 2nd child - 10% discount

    • 3rd child - 25% discount

    • 4th child - 50% discount

There are additional financial aid opportunities available. Visit to learn more and to apply.