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multicultural fair with photo of students in costume

The multicultural fair is about so much more than celebrating different cultures—it's about embracing the beauty found in our differences and unlocking students' boundless creativity and confidence! From colorful displays of traditional attire to mouthwatering tastes of global cuisine, the event is a vibrant tapestry of cultures coming together. 

Through sharing their heritage with others, students discover the power of their voices and the beauty of their unique backgrounds. By celebrating our differences, students find that they are united by the shared joy of discovery and exploration.


  • featured
students in cultural attire representing their heritage
two female students wearing Russian attire
students sample foods from all over the world
students and a parent pose in Mexican dress
dresses of Irish dancers
student sings and plays the guitar
student smiles in colorful cowboy style hat
student poses in Canadian cap
table displays items from another culture
students pose at a table featuring Canadian food
two female students wearing dresses representing traditional India culture
student laughs as she shares some fun with a fellow student
students smile at table filled with foods from Peru
student sip soda from Peru
students wear Mardi Gras beads from New Orleans
students wearing Vietnamese dress
two students pose at table with Lebanese food
Peruvian treats
student with Russian head piece poses at table with items from Russia
Vietnamese and Venezuelan dress worn by two students
three students pose with plates of foods from different cultures
two students smile wearing their colorful dresses
students smile wearing traditional dress from Venezuela
students pose at table with candies and drinks
student poses with Dragon head costume
Vietnamese dragon costume
students pose with tickets at the multicultural fair
aerial view of multicultural fair
aerial view of multicultural fair
student wearing Russian head piece and dress stands at a table filled with items from Russian culture
two girls model quinceneara dresses
student plays traditional Vietnamese dice game
a table filled with Peruvian fabrics and items
students wearig cowboys hats at a table with American food and drink
student serves rice from Dominican Republic
Teacher and student serve shepards pie
students pose at table with things from Dominican Republic
students pose at table with items from Brazil
student pose at table with items from Vietnam
traditional Vietnamese dragon costume
students share culture with a teacher
aerial view of the multicultural fair
Vietnamese egg rolls
students pose at table with items from Mexico
colorful display of beads and items from Peru
items from Louisiana culture
students pose at table with items representing Greek culture
student serves food to a fellow student
table of colorful items form a foreign country
students pose with pilot caps on
students share their culture with fellow students
student serves drinks from Peru
students pose in dresses from India
students pose with musical instruments from Dominican Republic
aerial view of multicultural fair
student sings on stage